
November 12, 2022
One of the best ways to get your emotions and concentration under control is via meditation. Now typically, a guy like me would never be able to meditate as my mind is always thinking about my patients or new ways of healing. It used to be that meditation was done by making you sit and...
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Dear Patients: In addition to social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing, and wearing masks, another way to stay safe and add to your armor is with these 4 supplements. The supplements seem to boost the immune system and create an inhospitable environment for bacteria and viruses. My medical philosophy is to be proactive and prevent illness instead...
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I wanted to shed some light on why there is a discrepancy between how different patients respond to the same medication.  Simply put, when a medication is taken orally, it gets absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and passes through the liver where a group of enzymes called the Cytochrome P450 system metabolize the medication.  Some patients have...
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