The Power of Smell Part II

The Power of Smell Part II

In the previous entry, I described that some humans have the ability to “smell” certain diseases.  This is also the case with animals such as dogs and cats. There was a well-known case in a nursing home that involved a cat that was used in Pet Therapy to lift people’s spirits.  Somehow, the cat knew who was about to die and would jump up on the bed and curl up next to the person.  And basically, the patient would die within a day. Nobody knows how this happened, but I suspect it is similar to what the dog was doing (and not that the cat was an assassin causing the death).  Perhaps people on their deathbed secrete a particular oil that has a scent that the cat was able to detect.  I know I had several blogs on sharks during the summer months where people would be spending time in the water at the beach, but when dying, they secrete hormones called necromones which signal the death to the other sharks in the area.  This serves to alert the other sharks that one of their own is dying and they should get out of the area to avoid potential danger.

Scientists were able to isolate this necromone (it basically means “death hormone”) molecule and then tested it out.  They created a chum slick to attract the sharks into the area around the boat.  They then dumped necromones into the water and the sharks disappeared from the area immediately. So apart from now being included in efforts to keep sharks away from beachgoers or divers, this is yet one more case that in nature that demonstrates the importance of continued research so we may develop better diagnostic tests and possible treatments. 

On a lighter note, when I first learned about the cat, I was intrigued, but as my mind was trying to wrap around the existence of a “death cat,” I could not help but think it was a good thing cats have nine lives.  I bet you more than one resident did not want that cat sleeping on their bed or coming anywhere near them and thus tried to terminate the gifted feline.

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