Ingredients: Tretinoin 0.025%, 0.05% and 0.1% strengths with or without Hyaluronic Acid 1%
- DO NOT USE if you are pregnant, attempting to become pregnant or are nursing.
- Apply at night at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
- Clean face with a gentle cleanser using your fingers and not an abrasive washcloth. Gently pat face dry after rinse.
- Place a small amount of pea sized, ½ inch or less of cream on a fingertip.
- Apply a thin coat over your face. Gently rub the medication into your skin so that it becomes undetectable immediately. You are using too much if it is still visible.
- Avoid placing the cream near the corners of your eyes, corners of your nose or mouth.
- Do not use more of the product or apply it more frequently than directed by Dr. Messenger as this will not improve results and in fact will likely cause more dryness, redness and irritation. It is recommended to start using the product on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to allow your skin to become accustomed to the medication. You may gradually increase the frequency as tolerated to a maximum of nightly applications. I am here to assess and guide you should you have any questions.
- It is possible to experience peeling, redness, drying, burning, itching and general skin irritation. Should these symptoms occur stop using the cream and call the office to inform Dr. Messenger.
- It is recommended that you use a moisturizer in the morning after you wash your face to avoid dryness and irritation. You may also apply additional applications of moisturizer throughout the day as needed.
- The tretinoin ingredient can sensitize skin to sunlight and thus it is recommended that precautions such as using a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more and wearing a broad brimmed hat be used to minimize sunlight exposure.
- Should you get sunburned, stop using the cream and do not reapply until the skin is completely healed. Again, always take precautions to protect your skin from sunlight.
- Certain medications can make you more sensitive to the cream. Be sure to provide your physician with a list of medications while using the cream and update this list and Dr. Messenger as soon as you are started on any new medications.